Golden Earth Goddess

Golden Earth Goddess

1 disponibles


Mixed Media
51 inches x 51 inches


Made on oil medium and mixed media as golden sheets, and metallic acrylic painting to create the pearl shining effect in the goddess skin.

Golden Goddess of the Earth, alludes to the powerful energy of our mother earth and the feminine divinity.

This painting has become for me a symbolic deity that recounts my own journey where the characteristics of our mother earth incarnate in my being … courage, stillnes, determination and ancestral strength of the ancient warriors who stepped on this earth long before that I came to this earthly plane.

This majestic masterpiece, tells the story of an ordinary woman in which she transcends earthly passions and shows herself naked.

Her message said:

“My body is my temple,
I am a sacred being,
I am a divine being,
Worthy of respect,
Love and Admiration.”